Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Princess in Love

I think that I keep reading the Princess Diaries Series partly because in each book Mia learns a lesson through her mistakes or through her inquisitive nature. This is often missing from many television shows (cough cough Jersey Shore) and books. In this book, Princess in Love, the lesson she learns is more about "kissing."

Mia has been kissed before. Josh Richter kissed her in front of a bunch of cameras when he took her to a dance. Kenny, her boyfriend that she doesn't like "that" way, has kissed her- but not of the French variety. I think that, as an adult or as an experienced kisser, we often forget how never-shattering the entire idea of kissing can be. The best part of the entire book is when Mia writes out a list of questions for her friend Tina, who is an expert on kissing. Tina's point in her answers to the questions Mia writes: kissing, with someone you really like is natural and enjoyable.

The major problem in the third instalment of the Princess Diaries Series, Mia is in love with Michael- not her boyfriend, Kenny. And you can't become an expert on kissing- like all of your friends- with someone you are not in love with.

By the way Kirkus Reviews says "The best ending yet, which proves that princesses always find true love."

Cabot, Meg. Princess in Love. Harper Teen: 2002.

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