Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Angles and Demons

About a month ago I finished reading Angles and Demons by Dan Brown. At that point in time I was so annoyed that I decided it wasn't worth blogging about. Too many people have read it and liked it for me to give an opinion that matters much and...I haven't seen the movie yet. However, I have very strong opinions on the writing. While I, like most people, really enjoy the history and the discussion of art in Dan Brown's writing, I, unlike many people, am completely disgusted by him at the same time. The major thing that Dan Brown grosses me out with:

The ridiculous "24 hour love" relationship between Professor Langdon and whatever woman is in the book---Of course she is clever and beautiful---Of course she has a thing for smart, older, and self deprecating men. Vomit.

Now, the reason I decided to blog about the fact that Dan Brown is slightly ridiculous is quite simple. I got an e-mail from Borders today. He has written another book in the Robert Langdon series titled The Lost Symbol. This is their teaser for his new book.

"Super symbologist Robert Langdon returns in another gripping story. All we know is that Dan Brown took five years to research a story that takes place is 12 hours"

Great, I bet this one has a 12 hour love relationship.

To be honest, I read The Da Vinci Code about 5 years ago and I actually liked it. I was disappointed with Angels and Demons because it was the basically the same plot. My prediction for the future is that I will read The Lost Symbol and write another angry blog because I have read three books with the exact same plot and somebody (Dan Brown) made a mint just changing the girl, the city, and the art.

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